
Does the New Era of Mega-Leaks Obsolete Attorney-Client Privilege?

April 07, 2016 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

On Sunday, more than a hundred media outlets around the world, coordinated by the Washington, DC-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (“ICIJ”), released stories on the “Panama Papers”, which is an exposé of private client and internal work product emails and other files.  More than 5 million emails and files were stolen from within the […]

4th Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling Could Hasten the End of Personal Privacy

June 08, 2016 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

A 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling seems to cement the notion that one’s electronic footprints and communications are fair game for unfettered search and seizure (i.e.: are not protected by 4th Amendment rights).

AT&T and Comcast hit the Motherlode with Internet Privacy Repeal

April 06, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

This week, the President approved a measure that removes internet privacy restrictions for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who connect millions of consumers and businesses to the Internet through wireline and wireless connections. Privacy advocates and late-night talk show hosts have voiced their outrage over this “internet privacy repeal”. But what is actually at stake?

Tips for Staying Cyber Safe on The Road

August 26, 2016 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Next week marks the last official week of summer vacation. It is likely also the beginning of your “back to work” business travel. Business travellers should note these specific precautions when conducting business transactions from the road, especially if you are likely to be more focused on the speed of getting things done rather than […]